ponedeljek, 2. april 2012

Jamski Nik in gotika

Mojster gotike, rock gotike in vseh nenavadnih sprehodov v temačnost človeške duše raziskuje smrt, umore, ljubezen, meje razsodnosti in še in še in še. Sam se ga zelo rad spominjam iz njegovih nastopov v Ljubljani, kjer je mislim da gostoval že štirikrat, sam pa sem ga trikrat tudi spremljal na koncertu, ki je bil z eno besedo (z eno besedo se ne da opisati zato…) teatralen, fenomenalen in skratka super šokanten enkraten koncert (x3). Se pravi vedno je dal od sebe maksimalno in še več, publika pa je onemela in ga spremljala od prvih taktov pa do zadnjega pozdrava. Sam se vedno rad spravim k poslušanju njegovih kultnih izdaj, kot so molitvena ponudba, dober sin, Henrijeve sanje, pusti ljubezen vstopiti in recimo še zelo kultna raziskava umorov…
No ja predlagam seveda za vse, ki ga pa ne poznate njegovo izdajo največjih uspešnic in med temi uspešnicami pa vsekakor poslušajte pesmi kot so:
Do you love me, Tupelo, The Mercy Seat, The Ship Song, Red Right Hand, Into my Arms, Where the Wild Roses Grow, Henry Lee, Nobody's Baby Now in The Weeping Song, ki je za moje pojme enkratna poezija polna bolečine in iskrenosti, zato prilagam besedilo in eno izmed super izvedb.  

The Weeping Song

Go son, go down to the water
And see the women weeping there
Then go up into the mountains
The men, they are weeping too

Father, why are all the women weeping?
They are weeping for their men
Then why are all the men there weeping?
They are weeping back at them

This is a weeping song
A song in which to weep
While all the men and women sleep
This is a weeping song
But I won't be weeping long

Father, why are all the children weeping?
They are merely crying son
O, are they merely crying, father?
Yes, true weeping is yet to come

This is a weeping song
A song in which to weep
While all the men and women sleep
This is a weeping song
But I won't be weeping long

O father tell me, are you weeping?
Your face seems wet to touch
O then I'm so sorry, father
I never thought I hurt you so much

This is a weeping song
A song in which to weep
While we rock ourselves to sleep
This is a weeping song
But I won't be weeping long
But I won't be weeping long
But I won't be weeping long
But I won't be weeping long

words and music by Nick Cave

2 komentarja:

  1. Kdo bi si mislil, da sem tako slaven :D
    "Jamski Nik"? hehe :)
    Ja, dobro poje. :)

  2. Nik ti si legenda dobr poješ! :D
